Media Basics
When you insert or connect a medium, such as a CD, DVD, hard drive, or flash drive, to your computer, Fedora automatically recognizes and makes it available for use. An icon is placed on your desktop and in the Places menu in GNOME. On the KDE desktop an icon is placed in the bottom panel next to the workspace switcher, and in the Kickoff Application Launcher > File Manager, the medium's icon is on the left of the file display window.
In GNOME you should unmount the medium before removing it from the computer. To do this, right-click on the device's icon and then select Unmount Volume or Eject, depending on what type of media you are using; during this process any remaining changes to the data on the media is written to the device, allowing safe removal without data loss. Removing the medium without unmounting it first could cause data to be corrupted; if this is the case, you will not be able to get your data back in the future.
There are several multi-media applications available for GNOME and KDE desktops. These applications will run in either Fedora desktop environment. To install software packages not already installed, please read the chapter on managing software. You can install applications by either using the PackageKit application or on the command line by using Yum.
Content needs added: burning data, ISOs, & USBs,
--Kirk Ziegler 20:27, 11 March 2009 (UTC)