These are draft suggestions related to the meanings of various entities in Bugzilla. They will be moved to the appropriate wiki pages if finalized and approved.
How to Triage: Add severity and priority
The following is to be added to the checklist at BugZappers/How_to_Triage (draft pending at User:Beland/How to Triage).
X.) Are the severity and priority set correctly?
See BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow for definitions.
BugStatusWorkFlow: Remove duplicate ASSIGNED content
The following is to replace the ASSIGNED section of BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow in its entirety:
The triage team believes that this is a complete, actionable bug. A triager has used the Triage checklist for NEW bugs; all necessary information has been supplied, and this bug is not a duplicate of an older bug.
BugZappers/BugStatusWorkFlow: Explain all remaining states
(Previous draft material removed; states are explained at: [1])
Severity and Priority
Possible amplification of:
Severity is used to describe how bad a bug is for the reporter, in the context of the specific component:
- Urgent: Software is completely unusable, loses data, or the RPM won't update properly. Frequent or commonly encountered crashes.
- High: Loss of important functionality, or usability problem producing major frustration. Infrequent and un-reproducible crashes.
- Medium: Highly visible cosmetic defect, moderate usability problem, loss of minor functionality, moderate loss of functionality with workaround, or high priority request for enhancement. [default choice]
- Low: Minor cosmetic defect, minor usability problem, or low priority request for enhancement.
Priority is used to indicate what order bugs should be fixed, in the context of the entire release:
- Urgent: Urgent or high severity affecting the majority of users, demanding the immediate attention of an engineer.
- High: Urgent or high severity affecting many users; should be at the top of the package maintainer's todo list.
- Medium: Medium severity affecting many users, or high severity affecting few users.
- Low: Affects a small number of users or is low severity.