Emiliano Gonzalez

My Name is Emiliano Gonzalez. I'm 35 years old.
I'm a FLOSS Consultant and Fedora User since Fedora Core 1 Version (I've used Red Hat from RH5). I work and live in Neuquen/Argentina. I'm an active member of the Linux User Group in Neuquen (LUGNA).
My first Linux consist of an old debian for DEC Alpha, then I've used a lot of distros of Linux and BSD in a variety of architectures (from Sparc to Vaxs), from 1998. After a very good experience with RH, I decided migrate to FC. In the present, I use Fedora (Home, Working, Notebook) and I promote each time is possible.
During 2008 me and my business parter and friend Emiliano Pereyra have established a FLOSS consultant company .
- Email: mailto:egonzalez@ergio.com.ar
- IRC: #fedora-meeting / #LUGNA
- GPG key:
- Fedora Account: emigonza
Activities within Fedora
- I am "full Fedora User". My own server and desktops have F1. Also I recommend fedora to all people
- I work thinking about fedora as a very powerful backbone for productives environments, servers and workstations.