Dial-in details
Last meeting's notes
Roll call
If Harish joins, a report on FAD Malaysia.
If Sankarshan joins, are there any needs in India that require attention this week?
Brian Stevens prep w/ Greg & Karsten.
ISV document discussion w/ Karsten.
CommunityOne discussion from Karsten.
- What else is happening other than "Participate or Die"?
F11 & Marketing w/ Jack
- F11 tour status?
- Release announcement into translations?
- Only 4 things in May in the Fedora_press_archive, in French.
- What is NDN doing? Is it doing anything at all?
- What happened to archiving the press that Fedora gets? Rahul on the mailing list is not enough.
- Why haven't we had anything on press.redhat.com since April 29th?
- Jack's blog and Planet had interviews with Jesse, Spot, Ajax, Lennart, Berrange.
- I thought Paul published an interview with Richard Hughes on his blog, but I can't find it.
- Only in-depth feature we haven't done anything with is ext4, from what I can see.
- Agenda for tomorrow's marketing meeting?
POSSE w/ Mel