Docs team members local to the southeast United States will converge on the Southeast Linuxfest to work on Docs initiatives.
- Date: 14 June 2009
- Time: 9am til
- Location: Clemson University - Hendrix Center - Board Room
- What went wrong? What went right? (Eric "Sparks" Christensen)
- F12 and beyond - issues central to the future of the Docs Project (Eric "Sparks" Christensen)
- Packaging instruction (provided by Ian Weller )
- Working on Zikula - specifically packaging modules
- A non-translator's introduction to the POT/PO model (Paul Frields)
- Perhaps an introduction to DocBook if there is interest
- Something important you'd like to add
- David Nalley
- Clint Savage
- Matthew Daniels (More than likely)
- Ian Weller (doublepluslikely)
- Eric Christensen
- Ben Williams (untill 12:30)
- Lee Brewer (crossing fingers)
- Paul Frields
- Tim Kramer
- SELF is offering shuttle service for speakers and will carry others as space permits from ATL and GSP and possibly CLT.
- Lodging is at Comfort Inn a few rooms were held back by SELF and can be obtained at the 70/night conference rate by mentioning the Southeast Linuxfest
- Food is TBD
Remote Participation
We plan on having remote participation, particularly in the 'F12 and beyond' discussion.
- Voice via Fedora Talk Service in conference room (extension) 2008
- IRC Freenode ( in room #fad
- Gobby will be used to collect meeting "minutes"
How all of this will work together
Remote users will listen in on the Talk conference room. Questions can be asked via IRC in which a response will given over Talk. Gobby will be used to take notes on what is being discussed and can be viewed in real-time.