I am a member of the LXDE core team and president of the LXDE Foundation. We are working closely together with other members of the Fedora community to support an official spin of LXDE in Fedora. I am origianally from Berlin Germany, but have lived in different countries e.g. Australia, Afghanistan, France and Italy. My private blog is perspektive89.com.
- Email: mailto:mb@lxde.org
- IRC: MarioB (eg. #fedora, #lxde, #lxde-zh, #linuxnus)
- GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
- Fedora Account: Mario Behling
Member of
- Applied for Ambassadors
Special Interests
- LXDE Feature
- Fedora Lite Spin (work in progress)
Activities within Fedora
- Supporting porting of LXDE to Fedora
- Organizing events bringing together the Fedora community
- Translating packages used in Fedora
- Giving presentations introducing Fedora
I applied to join Ambassadors in June 2009 and am member of the Ambassadors Germany.
- 2009
- FOSDEM 2009, February 7 + 8, Brussels (Belgium)
- LXDE World Summit 2009, May 4 - 10, Taipei (Taiwan)
- FAD LinuxTag 2009, June 23, Berlin (Germany)
- Linuxtag 2009, June 24 - 27, Berlin (Germany)
- FUDCon Berlin 2009, June 26 - 28, Berlin (Germany)
- LXDE European Summit 2009, June 24 - 27, Berlin (Germany)
- FUDCon Berlin 2009, June 26 - 28, Berlin (Germany)
- FrOSCon 2009, August 22 + 23, Sankt Augustin (Germany)
- I-Party 2009, October, Münster (Germany)