From Fedora Project Wiki

To be done. Please see Features/PowerManagement for now.


Goal: Measure amount of system resources consumed by the program.



Prepare your system:

# yum install systemtap
# debuginfo-install kernel

Run scomes.stp manually

Binary you want to measure must be named uniquely (or ensure there are no other binaries with same name running on the system).

Now run the scomes with the command-line option being name of the binary and then run the binary:

# scomes.stp my_binary_3d4f8   # wait untill it starts
# ./my_binary_3d4f8

scomes will start to output statistics each 5 seconds and once binary ends, it will output final statistic like this:

Monitored execname: my_binary_3d4f8
Number of syscalls: 0
Kernel/Userspace ticks: 0/0
Read/Written bytes: 0
Transmitted/Recived bytes: 0
Pooling syscalls: 0
Monitored execname: my_binary_3d4f8
Number of syscalls: 3716
Kernel/Userspace ticks: 34/339
Read/Written bytes: 446282
Transmitted/Recived bytes: 16235
Pooling syscalls: 2
SCORE: 4479767
Monitored execname: my_binary_3d4f8
Number of syscalls: 4529
Kernel/Userspace ticks: 44/446
Read/Written bytes: 454352
Transmitted/Recived bytes: 22003
Pooling syscalls: 3
SCORE: 4566459

Note: on F11 please call scomes with stap --skip-badvars scomes.stp.

Explain statistics

Monitored execname
name of the binary (passed as a command-line argument)
Number of syscalls
number of all syscalls performed by the binary
Kernel/Userspace ticks
count of the processor ticks binary uses in the kernel or in userspace respectively (kticks and uticks variables)
Read/Written bytes
sum of the read and written bytes from the file binary does (reads, writes variables)
Transmitted/Recived bytes
sum of the read and written bytes from the network binary does (ifxmit and ifrecv variables)
Pooling syscalls
"bad" pooling syscals binary does (poll, select, epoll, itimer, futex, nanosleep, signal)
TODO - but for now: SCORE = kticks + 2*uticks + 10*(reads+writes) + ifxmit + ifrecv

First examples

command sleep 10


Monitored execname: sleep
Number of syscalls: 33
Kernel/Userspace ticks: 2/0
Read/Written bytes: 736
Transmitted/Recived bytes: 0
Pooling syscalls: 1
SCORE: 7362

busybox - statically linked:

Monitored execname: busybox
Number of syscalls: 7
Kernel/Userspace ticks: 1/0
Read/Written bytes: 0
Transmitted/Recived bytes: 0
Pooling syscalls: 1

busybox.anaconda - dynamically linked:

Monitored execname: sleep
Number of syscalls: 39
Kernel/Userspace ticks: 0/2
Read/Written bytes: 1248
Transmitted/Recived bytes: 0
Pooling syscalls: 0
SCORE: 12484