From Fedora Project Wiki
This is where we track deliverables, deadlines, and schedules for the team. Cross stuff out when it no longer applies or is completed, and we'll cull things at the end of the week.
This page is not meant to capture all the day-to-day stuff that people on the team are doing. Rather, it is a reminder of the most important deadlines around which our other work must co-exist.
Monday June 22
- No team meeting (Max & Greg traveling to Berlin).
JACK -- Update team list on plan for Marketing/Fedora Magazine (link to wiki is ok).JACK -- Meeting report from last week in Westford.JACK -- Add any remaining items to press archive.JACK -- Organize meeting with Adam Baxter (Services Marketing Intern)Thursday MorningJACK -- Organize meeting with Mel and Sean Daly (SugarLabs/L'Oreal Marketing Guru)Sean is busy, sometime next week.JACK -- Organize meeting around Metrics with Ian Weller, Mike McGrath and EVERYONEWork being coordinated here: KARSTEN -- Where are all the concurrent IPA threads that you are pursuing being detailed?
- KARSTEN -- RC of ISV document.
- MAX -- Brand Week blog post due to John Adams.
Tuesday June 23
JACK -- Probably one of these aforementioned meetingsended up speaking to a bunch of interns working on social media. Meeting thurs.JACK -- Fedora Marketing meeting, Agenda: Last weeks proposal
Wednesday June 24
- GREG & MAX -- Brainstorm activities that can be used for all of our upstream-project-related work, share them with the list, and start implementing them.
JACK -- Continue to refine marketing proposal, check in with Mo again.Ended up emailing mo and paul to figure out if we have other produced content archived anywhere.JACK -- Brand and Culture IRC- IAN -- As comprehensive a status
Thursday June 25
- JACK -- Meeting with Adam and other Interns
- JACK -- Check in with Mo again about Project FooBar
- JACK -- Update metrics wiki page with stuff from marketing end
- JACK -- Get in contact with Sparks as a follow up from retrospect meeting
- MAX -- some sort of EKG reporting delivered to the list.
- MAX -- have a plan for EKG hackfest @ FUDCon.
Friday June 26
- KARSTEN -- Update on all things FreeIPA to team list, w/ pointers to other places as appropriate.