Fedora is well-known as the premier showcase for the latest open source technology on Linux. Unfortunately, it has also been perceived as being a bit rough around the edges. The Fedora Fit and Finish initiative intends to change this. We will focus on getting the details right and improving the user experience by removing obstacles and annoyances from everyday tasks.
For Fedora 12, we are planning to hold regular test days in coordination with the Fedora QA team, each of which will focus one some aspect of the desktop user experience. Details about the test day schedule will be posted here soon.
The 'Fit and Finish' initiative is led by the Fedora Desktop team.
How you can help: Let us know about the small things that get in your way when you are trying to get stuff done on your Fedora desktop. You can do so by filing a bug in bugzilla, or by sending a mail to fedora-desktop-list, or you can participate in one of our test days.