From Fedora Project Wiki
Updated infos whats going on at the HackFest
* 14:00 (no room yet) Spin Process validation items for spin maintainers (chitlesh) * EKG, Devshell, Haskell find Yaakov * Shomyu - Mapping the community find Mathieu
Room Leonidas
* Fedora Electronics Lab Talk (chitlesch)
Room Feature
* 12:00 Documentation - what are we doning wrong
Room Freedom
* Should be Windows Corss Compile, * Should be Libguestfs and Virtualization * is empty at the moment (10:45)
Room Features
* now till open end - random hacking * 12:00 Documentation - What are we doing wrong
Room Friends (Erfurt I)
* Sugar Hacking
Room First (Erfurt II)
* empty
Room First ( Erfurt II)
* empty (@11:15)
Near the bar/terrace on top of room "Feature"
* RPM Fusion (look out for ThorstenLeemhuis/thl/knurd); we might need to relocate to a room somewhere if we get to much people