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Revision as of 22:24, 20 July 2009 by Rrelyea (talk | contribs) (Created page with '{admon/important | Comments and Explanations | The page source contains comments providing guidance to fill out each section. They are invisible when viewing this page. To read...')
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{admon/important | Comments and Explanations | The page source contains comments providing guidance to fill out each section. They are invisible when viewing this page. To read it, choose the "edit" link.
Copy the source to a new page before making changes! DO NOT EDIT THIS TEMPLATE FOR YOUR FEATURE.}}

Feature Name



  • email: <your email address so we can contact you, invite you to meetings, etc.>

Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 41
  • Last updated: (DATE)
  • Percentage of completion: XX%

Detailed Description

Benefit to Fedora


How To Test

User Experience


Contingency Plan


Release Notes

Comments and Discussion