I decided to put the scribbled down notes about the questions I receive into some sort of a wiki page so as to ensure that there is baseline information to refer to.
Note: The answers would be very specific to India and hence, other regions might not find it useful
- I want to organize a Fedora Event - I need money
If you are planning to organize a Fedora Event (for example, a Fedora Activity Day) the first thing we would love to have is a plan. The plan should include the following : Date+Time of the event, Venue of the event, Intended Audience, Schedule for the day, Names of folks who are responsible for sticking to the schedule. Once you have all this jotted down, raise a New Ticket using this link
A few Fedora folks will spend some time going over your plans and, request you to come up with the budget. The projected budget figure will be discussed and, approval will happen post approval. Once you have an approved event, please make sure that you list it on this page.
- I want to organize a FUDCon - what do I do
See the response to the question above.
- I want Fedora source DVD - who should I write it to
The Fedora sources are available from the torrent site. At this point, no one has a source DVD/CD/media downloaded. Check around on #fedora-india or, fedora-india mailing list if someone can help you out.
- I want T-shirts for all participants at my meet - what do I do
Producing T-shirts cost a lot of money and, at this point in time, the budget is somewhat tight. So, we would suggest that you look at response to the first question and, talk with the folks mentioned in order to work something out.
- I am a Fedora Ambassador, I want to do something - tell me what to do
If you are a new Ambassador, you should already have an assigned mentor. Please feel free to ask your mentor about coaching you to contribute to Fedora. If you require additional information, please read through this mail and, ask on #fedora-india or, fedora-india mailing list
- I want to contribute money to Fedora - how can I
- I requested a FreeMedia and, never received it - what can I do
You could ask on the fedora-india mailing list so that someone could ship a DVD to you. The person could request you to meet the expenses incurred in producing the media and courier charges
- I want to have Fedora posters - where can I get them
- I want to do a summer/intern project on Fedora - what should I do
If you have a project proposal/idea, you could write to sankarshan at fedoraproject dot org. Try to include the following details in the mail: Title of the project, duration of the project, Start date, Tools to be used, a brief summary of what the project is about, deliverables at the end of the project cycle
- I want to talk about Fedora at an event - where can I find presentations
- I spent some money on Fedora, I need to get re-imbursed - what do I do