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Free software and the Operative System Linux Event

Preparation, since I was recently appointed to this new task and the event invitation came with only one day to prepare, talk to my sponsor [User:tatica tatica] she kindly give some ideas on what we could do for the event so, make some Fedora stickers using the art that are on the wiki and manage to make a Fedora Button to wear on a blue Polo (not the Fedora Blue but some blue) it was the best I could do with the amount of time.

This event was organized by the Fraternindad de software Libre de Panamá with the sponsor of the Ciudad del Saber, they put together this event really fast and prepare some fliers and invite must local students, and the invitation was done buy email, location was great at Ciudad de Saber hall, there we around 150 attendees, local news paper cover the event.

It was a great oportunity to introduce Fedora and me as Fedora Ambassador to the people at Fraternidad de sofware Libre the Panamá (Free software Fraternity of Panama), since they have events all year, and promote free software, we talk and offer them to help and to be invited to participate on new events.

The conference was good Richard Stallman was interesting and show his points on the Free Software and Linux.

We talk to some students and give away sticker and invite them to participate on Fedora Project and the great opportunity it is to learn and share knowledge with others.

There were not participation of any other distributions or groups, but notice that people there were interested on Ubunto and Debian (most of it because those to distributions are some how introduce to them on the University)
