From Fedora Project Wiki
My feedback
- Choose Installation Type
- Are the checkboxes actually useful? You can just rely on the tabs in the Advanced Device Selection window. If it takes too much time to scan everything (I doubt so), then the listviews in the tabs can be filled in lazily by Anaconda the first time a tab is selected.
- Device Selection
- The checkbox meaning multiple things (install on and any other drives you'd like to be automatically mounted to your system) is very confusing. For the simple device selection, you could scan all drives and show the device selection before the mount point selection (or maybe not show it at all and, again, present all drives); remember that in most cases just one or two drives will be shown.
- For the advanced device selection I can only think of showing the device selection twice---once before scanning for existing systems, once before defining the mount points.
- I don't know however if it makes sense to have multiple tabs if you can just choose one item from one of them. A dropdown instead of the tabs is more intuitive in this case. On the other hand, showing the same dialog twice, once with a dropdown and once with tabs, is definitely a bad idea.
- Select partitioning scheme
- If you show the device selection dialog twice the dropdown would be unnecessary. OTOH in the simple installation case it is probably better to keep the dropdown and have only one simple device selection step after the partitioning scheme has been selected.
- Also, device(s) is ugly. Just use devices. And remove assuming you have enough free space available.
Bonzini 11:20, 7 August 2009 (UTC)