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Revision as of 09:04, 20 August 2009 by Kparal (talk | contribs)


This test case tests the functionality of the ABRT feature using the Bugzilla plugin.

How to test

  • If you don't have an account on the bugzilla, create one.
  • Edit /etc/abrt/abrt.conf and list the Bugzilla plugin in EnabledPlugins, CCpp and Python lines (which will enable and activate it). For example:
EnabledPlugins = Bugzilla, Mailx, SQLite3, CCpp, Logger, Kerneloops, KerneloopsScanner, KerneloopsReporter, Python
CCpp = Mailx, Bugzilla, Logger
Python = Mailx, Bugzilla, Logger
  • Edit ~/.abrt/Bugzilla.conf and make sure the configuration is valid. Insert your bugzilla username and password
BugzillaURL =
NoSSLVerify = yes
#enter your login here
Login =
#enter your password here
Password =
  • Optionally, you may set up the username and password using abrt-gui. Launch abrt-gui and select Edit -> Preferences -> Enable Bugzilla -> Configure plugin. Once complete, confirm that ~/.abrt/Bugzilla.conf lists the information supplied.
  • Restart ABRT:
    $ service abrt restart
  • Ensure that the abrt and abrt-applet processes are both running
  • Kill a running process: kill -SIGSEGV (pid). It must be a process that is part of a signed Fedora package
  • Click on the panel applet to start abrt-gui
  • Select the entry matching the recently crashed application, click Report
  • At the report window, click Send

Expected Results

  1. A popup message should say: "Bugzilla:"
  2. A bug entry should be filled in the Bugzilla, the entry should be assigned to the package you crashed.
  3. Now it might be a good idea to close the entry in Bugzilla since this "crash" was intended failured and produced by us, so, package maintained won't get upset by a bunch of bogus crashes.