Fedora Insight is a website that serves as a place to publish and share Fedora marketing materials in various formats. It makes it easy for users, developers, and journalists - people who aren't yet a part of the Fedora contributor community - to keep up with the goings on of the community without following a dozen different blogs and mailing lists.
For a history of the project and some of the rationale behind it, see Fedora Insight history.
What's happening
Our zikula test instance is up, and everyone is welcome to experiment with it and see what kind of functionality and workflow they would like to use.
- Make a test account on the public-test instance of FAS at .
- Log in to using your FAS test account.
- Play!
For all the open FI-related tasks, see our Trac component.
- Important dates
- Milestones that Marketing has the power to move.
- Milestones that Marketing does not have the power to move.
- August 25: workflow spec'd out
- August 26: Infrastructure Alpha unfreeze; we can move things from staging to production anytime between this date and September 29.
- September 15: Design complete.
- September 19: Design packaged and reviewed.
- September 19: All modules needed for proper authentication, permissions, and workflow installed on publictest (from reviewed packages).
- September 20: Move from publictest to staging.
- September 21: Staging instance ready for load testing.
- September 28: Move from staging to production.
- September 29: Infrastructure Beta freeze; if we miss the "move to production" deadline, our next window to move to production is October 14 (a day after Beta availability) through October 27 (2 weeks before Final availability.)
Centralized Content
There are too many avenues to information now, its innundating. Blogs/Planet, FWN, Ambassadors own work, etc. Also, a majority of this content is text, whereas we would like to make more multimedia content.
Content Schedule
Well established guidelines for what needs to be produced/is being worked and when it must be published by.
This also helps in running a proper marketing campaign.
Flexibility/Creativity of Presentation
Journal Format
Better able to target an audience
Standardized Feeds
One OFFICIAL Feed for each media type--audio, video, text/print
Translation/Press Distribution/Social Media Distribution
Process for getting things in Translation Queue.
Better plan with regard to something like NDN. Red Hat Intl PR is part of this
Develop strategies for syndicating media on social networks/news sites
- Who is our audience?
- What are they interested in?
- How can we better engage their interest?
Content categories
this is a draft, for discussion - please edit!
- interviews with community members
- feature focus/update (tour)
- howto (for experienced users)
- upcoming event announcement/reminder
- past event report
- neutral reporting on debates
- rawhide report
- meeting coverage - upcoming-meetings calendar, minutes
- interviews with companies/people which use Fedora (aka. success stories)
Content examples
these are drafts, for discussion - they were taken mostly from Planet headlines on the day we looked (at the beginning of June). Please add/remove/edit/comment - what do you think should be here? Mel Chua 12:38, 25 July 2009 (UTC)
- What's new in Fedora 11 from SELinux
- Western Digital MyBook as a Backup System (Fedora-specific existing-user tutorial)
- "you should vote; here are upcoming elections" posts
- "people voted, here are election results" posts
- Fedora 11 Release Party Wau Report
- npov coverage of things like "there is a debate on dropping cd media, here are links to several views expressed"
- Read All About the Fedora 11 Retrospective (past event coverage)
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPACEWALK! (not Fedora-specific)
- lolcats
- "I voted!" posts
- "Initial KMS support for radeons merged to Linus tree" (the blogpost-as-commit-message)
- SoaS for the XO-1 uses Fedora
- State of the Poulsbo Address
- Chinese translation of [a book I wrote] is being worked on
- So you’re looking for a hosting provider?
- Social Desktop contest
- Announcing
- The downfall of modern civilization... (on the 'drop cd media?' debate - we're not looking for editorials, but npov coverage)
- Simplez! Simple Pairing support now in gnome-bluetooth. (more of a blog-as-commit-message than a feature report)
Platform specs/requirements
Marketing Requirements
- Allow multiple editors
- Allow multiple contributors
- Separate feeds for different media - podcast, written, video etc
- Easy integration of rich media - see above
- Tags/Categories
- "Push" capabilities. From kanarip: if i have to look it up, as in, actively, it's a fail; it needs to be pushed in my direction somehow; rss feeds will suffice for that purpose
News Requirements
(Extrapolated from the [this fedora-news-list thread] - please correct me if I've misinterpreted. Mel Chua 18:44, 14 July 2009 (UTC))
- graphical branded presence
- syndication
- potentially retaining the FWN name? (has name recognition... open question for discussion.)
- keep current FWN sections. "Certainly Ambassadors, Planet, Art/Design, Translation, Development. Dale's virtualization beat is a creation unto itself, covering several different areas."
- easy workflow - currently, FWN is edited as one block of text, which is easier on editors than working on many separate posts.
Design requirements
- mizmo: lets you add custom CSS across the whole site design. i think its just going to be one blog (or maybe one per feed - text / audio /video ) so i dont think user level css would come into play.
- mizmo: lets you modify html output
- mizmo: tagging - to support the way we laid the mockup up, you either need multiblogs or better tagging, and tag based feeds. so like we were talking about, having a developer of the month interview, would be good to tag it with 'interview' and 'dotw', and then for each tag to have its own feed. it could be accomplished with separate blogs too, but that would then split related content, like if you had a dotw blog and an interview blog, when you do an interview for dotw it won't be in the interview blog feed
- Ability to easily pull archives, by month and year and list out (see footer of mockup)
- Same for latest posts per category, in footer of mockup
- Rawhide Weather report ability?
- live feed?
- allows for the pulling-in of external feeds/items or the super-easy creation of plugins to add special features - for instance, Mo's idea of the "rawhide weather report" (or Jeff Spaleta's variant of forest fire levels) may be automatically generated from buildbot logs (or something) - how can that get implemented? Mel Chua 23:34, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
General Requirements
- FAS_Auth integration
- Themable (presumably by Design Team)
- Software *and* required plugins packaged - including theme?
- software + plugins packaged, theme isn't necessarily a strict requires but it's kind of nice --Ian Weller 16:13, 8 July 2009 (UTC)
- Why is it not a strict requires? (JonRob - who doesn't know how to do ianweller's funky signature)
- Regardless, the theme was packaged for Docs, IIRC an adapted skin from the existing Fedora websites look --Quaid 20:03, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
This is a brainstorm list - what would you want a Fedora Insight platform to have and do? Please add to the list below.
Why Zikula
- stickster: there's a great deal of crossover between what Fedora Insight proposes, and what the new CMS (Zikula) can/will accomplish. Fedora Insight sets out a lot of Marketing-specific goals, and I think most or all of them can be achieved through an implementation via the CMS.
- ke4qqq (Dave Nalley) summarizes Zikua: After a long period of input, eval, and testing by multiple groups (primarily Docs, but also Infrastructure and others), Zikula has been chosen as a CMS. It has a responsive upstream that's developing new modules for our needs and has even joined fp lists to help us collaborate on getting this up. It wil first be used for docs.fp.o, which currently has no CMS; FPC and F-Legal are also interested in using it - but we haven't mapped out that really well thus far - but it's after docs.fp.o makes the move. polecat (John Poelstra) has stepped up to coordinate teams for a production schedule and some meetings.
- If zikula fits all of our requirements, or can/will be modified to do so, I would be strongly in favor of going with this and working with the existing cross-team effort - it just makes sense to Work Together. I think sitting down with someone who knows Zikula's feature set well, and going through our requirements list (once that is more solidified) with them, would enable us to make a final yes/no decision. Mel Chua 14:45, 13 July 2009 (UTC)
Here's a mockup by mizmo of what this might look like. (Click for full size.)