To pass review the fonts parts of TEXLive must conform to Packaging:FontsPolicy
NicolasMailhot 20:36, 23 June 2009 (UTC)
texlive-fontspec should Require texlive-xkeyval --Mef 15:27, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
texlive-xepersian should depend on: texlive-bidi, texlive-fontspec, texlive-xetex.noarch (.noarch seems to be required, otherwise yum picks the old texlive-xetex from 2007 package list, which is obsolete by texlive 2009). I guess that there are lots of such dependencies. Isn't there any automatic way to find them?! Also, isn't there any amsalpha.bst file in TexLive 2009?! I have a document which uses amsalpha as its bibstyle. None of the current packages provide this file. What has happened to it?! -- Hedayat 11:04 (updated on 12:40), 21 August 2009 (UTC).