Hi there all, my name is Brendon Toogood, I am 35 years old and live in a small town of Oamaru, in New Zealand. I am married and have 1 son who's name is Cash and a Daughter named Devon who is 11 years. My wife Kiri and I are very happy and pleased. Some of my interests are in computing are bringing OpenSource software to the people. There are heapes of software out there that is open source that people should be aware of not just for Linux for Windows as well. My main goal is to Make fedora the best it can be and make it as public as I can.
EMAIL bjtoogood@fedoraproject.org
IRC My IRC name is btoogood and the channels you can find me is #fedora, #fedora-ambassadors
Fedora Account Name bjtoogood
Activities within Fedora
My activities with in the Fedora community is helping out where is can in the #fedora irc channel, also have been promoting the project which is a big job according to the wiki, I am the only Fedora ambassador in New Zealand so I have a big job ahead of me and hope to get the help and support from my fellow ambassadors.