| First >>> I am a Computer engineer and, I work by my self like FOSS consultant in San Salvador, Capital of El Salvador in Central America. My beginning with GNU/Linux was on 1998 with Mandrake 7.1 I used this one for 12 moths or less. In my job we configured a GNU/Linux Servers with Redhat, but as I was learning GNU/Linux my boss said “please install Mandrake first on your computer”. So i used to have Mandrake in my computer, with the time I changed because I thought I learned a lot. To be honest I would like to say that in the past, I didn't liked Gnome, but sudenly I said: “OK, if I need to work every day with Redhat, why don't I use it on my pc?” The answer came by itself in the future, Fedora 1.0 arrived, and I downloaded the CDs, and installed it on my pc, since this day my life would turned blue, even when I had several “winmodem” hardware problems, and others... But I used to work with Redhat every day while it was “free” for free.... When Fedora was born I decided to migrate to Fedora, and I used it on all the servers that I have in charge of. Then I needed to taste other distros: “Fedora and in some cases Redhat for servers”,”Suse and Mandrake for end users” while I explored “Ubuntu for knowledge” and “debian to develop software with perl and Mysql”. Anyway in the end I am blue.
| Features >>> Things always change, actually Fedora is my main OS ever since. : )p I had the opportunity to teach “Linux Server Administration for advanced users” based on Fedora 4 to 6. (3 times). Then for job reasons I had to work with Ubuntu 7.04, 8.04.1, 8.04.2 for 6 moths, developing software and installing 5 LTSP centers for “AECID and Ministerio de Salud de El Salvador, Region Occidental de Salud”, but in the end of this project I came back to the roots, and the blue took my soul again. So i am here trying to be a new Fedora Ambassador in El Salvador. I have a long journey ahead of me. One of the most important things is to build a Fedora community called “Fedora-sv” with my friend Yn1v from Nicaragua and Morpheusv Salvadorean Ambassador, and with my friends of LINUX-UDB.
| Freedom & Friends>>> At the same time I am working with Don Bosco University (Soyapango, El Salvador), making a free manuals of: Openoffice.org, Mozilla Thunderbird and basic concepts of Debian, and working as a trainer too. When I have the opportunity I always talk about Free Software and GNU/Linux, and some of my friends take the challenge. I am in my life predicating the Philosophy of Free Software.
| Contact Data
E-mail: magjogui (at) gmail (dot) com PGP: 2E70E9C8 IRC: magjogui ( #fedora-es, #inskape-es sometimes...) Fedora Account: magjogui
| Trivia Location: San Salvador, El Salvador. 1206.29 N / 08615.91 W Time Zone: UTC +06:00 Languages: Spanish (first language), English (as second language). Nationality: Salvadorean Higher Education: Computer Engineer - Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador. Technical in Network. Computer Technical Operator Jr. Red Hat Training (at date, by my self)
Fedora Media Distribution (Don Bosco University / Tecnology Day 09/ San Salvador El Salvador) Fedora Stiker gifts (Don Bosco University / Technology Day 09/ San Salvador El Salvador ) 1er Encuentro Centro Americano de Software Libre (ECSL) Estelí Nicaragua 2009 Set up of 5 LTSP centers, and process of migration of 300 pcs using Ubuntu. Ubuntu Media distributor Santa Ana, El Salvador Enero -Junio 2009 LinuxUDB user Group member and Founder (GNU/Linux User group at Don Bosco University) (2006) Member of Launchpad (Ubuntu since 2006). “GNU/Linux Servers training (Advanced users) using Fedora 4-6”. (3 times 2005/2006) Set Up a Squid Proxy's for a Cyber Cafes, El Salvador (7 servers, using Fedora)
| Another Activities I am a friendly person and I like to know a lot of people, Graphic design, write poetry, share life with my friends, challenges, explore the world, and above all: be free.
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