From Fedora Project Wiki
Current Fedora Aims Get lots of grid software into Fedora and EPEL
BouncyCastle in EPEL for EL5
A lot of java grid components depend upon having EPEL contain bouncycastle. A quick check so a long missing dependency chain so here is list of packages and their status that are required to get BouncyCastle in to EPEL5
F11 Package | EL5 Build Status | Notes |
bouncycastle-1.43-3.fc11.src.rpm | Missing Dependencies | Missing junit4 |
junit4-4.5-4.1.fc11.src.rpm | Missing Dependencies | package-utils >= 0:1.7.4 , RHEL version to old :-( |
Steps to Build Each RPM
Unpack the .fc11.src.rpm and rebuild as an md5 one before giving in to mock.
#!/bin/bash RPM=$1 CUR=`pwd` TOP=`mktemp -d` echo $TOP ( cd $TOP && rpm2cpio $CUR/$RPM | cpio -ivd ) rpmbuild-md5 -bs --nodeps --define 'dist .el5' --define "_sourcedir $TOP" --define "_srcrpmdir `pwd`" $TOP/*.spec