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Revision as of 23:04, 8 September 2009 by Poelstra (talk | contribs)

Please stay tuned for an announcement in Fedora that naming for Fedora 13 has started.


This page contains community suggestions for the Fedora 13 release name. All submissions must meet the guidelines for release names.

FIXME Cambridge → Leonidas → <new name>? Leonidas is a <blank>, and so is <new name>.

The link between Cambridge and Leonidas was "both are ships of the United States Navy." The link between Leonidas and the new name must be different than that link, and different from any other previous link.

General links automatically rejected
General links such as "is a word" or "is a location", while technically within the scope of the rules, will most certainly be rejected by the Fedora Board. Remember, the goal is to come up with a creative link to Leonidas.

Naming Schedule


  • Name collection: May 18 - May 23
  • List to Fedora Board: May 24 - May 27
  • Board approved list to Legal: May 28 - June 8
  • Community vote on final name: June 9 - June 22, 2009
  • Name announced: June 27, 2009

Name Suggestions

Please read carefully.
The instructions below will help prevent some suggestions from being eliminated early.

How to use this table

  1. Come up with a name idea. Put the name in the first column.
  2. Determine whether it passes the "is-a" test. You must be able to truthfully complete the sentence "Leonidas is a <...>, and so is <YOUR_NAME>." The link to the new name cannot be the same as the link from Cambridge to Leonidas, nor any other previous link. Mark the link in the appropriate column, such as "river in Kazakhstan," "deep-sea organism."
    • Don't choose obvious links, because they usually result in uninteresting names.
    • Don't choose very general names or unclear links.
    • Do choose obscure links to interesting things, which makes for a better name.
    • Do avoid all previous links wherever possible.
    • Do make sure there are at least a couple of ways to link out of the new name to the next name -- and they must be unique too!
  3. Use Google to search for possible trademark collisions. First search for the term itself along with "+software", and then broaden your search to include "+computer", "+hardware", "+technology", "+IT", and so on. Do not skimp on this step.
    • If you find a collision, it is best to find another name. Names that cause collisions will be eliminated by Red Hat's Legal department and thus waste their time, which is a valuable commodity for Fedora. Help us maximize their effectiveness by weeding out names that are trademarks of other entities, especially those in the IT industry.
    • If the collision is outside the IT/computing market, you can still submit the name but you should note the collision in the "Tested" column, and include a link to the site where the collision was found.
    • If you find no collisions, make that notation in the "Tested" column.
  4. Do not mark the approval columns. These are reserved for the approval authorities such as the Board and Red Hat Legal.

Suggestion Table

Name "Is a..." Tested Initial Approval Themeable Board Approved Legal Approved !
Name "Is a..." Tested Initial Approval Themeable Board Approved Legal


FIXME Various connections that could be explored. "Leonidas is a ..."

  • King
  • Movie character
  • Poem title
  • Chain of (chocolate) stores
  • Asteroids

Approval Mark Legend

Approval Mark Meaning
Under review

Rejected Suggestions

Name "Is a..." Tested Initial Approval Board Approved Legal Approved