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Revision as of 11:34, 14 September 2009 by Markmc (talk | contribs) (add clalance)

Thursday Sep 17, 2009 All day #fedora-test-day (webchat)

What to test?

This part of today's Fedora Test Day will focus on testing the Live Migration support provided by virt-manager, libvirt and qemu-kvm.

Live Migration is not a new feature in Fedora 12, but tends to be quite a brittle feature and needs all the testing help it can get!

If you come to this page after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test live migration and provide feedback.

Who's available

Chris Lalancette is your host for today.

The following people have also agreed to be available for testing, workarounds, bug fixes, and general discussion:

What's needed to test

  • Two fully updated Fedora 12 Rawhide machines. See instructions on the main test day page.
  • Shared guest image storage available to both machines - e.g. /var/lib/libvirt/images from one of the machines NFS mounted on the other machine.
  • At least one guest image installed before the test day (suggested reading - Virtualization_Quick_Start)

Test Cases

Things to test, roughly in dependency order:

List test cases for the feature.

Issues that were identified

Tester Description Bug references Status