From Fedora Project Wiki
Fedora Robotics SIG Meeting Minutes 2009-10-15
Meeting Time
- 2009-10-15 16:00 UTC
- #fedora-robotics on freenode
- Tim Niemueller (timn)
- Rich Mattes (jpgr87)
- Toby Collett (tcollet)
- Attilio Priolo (SickBoy)
- Learn about and integrate new people, there have been quite a few new subscriptions to the mailing list
- Player/Stage/Gazebo packaging
- Fawkes inclusion and small "robotics game" to develop to get the user easily involved in a simulation environment
- RoboCup Soccer Server demo apps (maybe available already?)
- New software packages to include
- Finally prepare for a LiveCD containing all the robot software with an easy to use simulation environment, especially as teaser
- Documentation to get people started with robotics (and the LiveCD)
- Toby Collet's distro coordination request
- SIG member introduced to each other
- Player upgrade to 3.0.0 imminent (updated by rmattes, will be pushed by timn)
- rmattes will propose gearbox and Stage 3.2 for Fedora inclusion, needs sponsor
- timn will push Fawkes once 0.4 is out
- tcollet helps getting Player patches included upstream
- focus on getting a Player/Stage/Fawkes simulation environment on a LiveCD, likely based on F-12 during the rest of the year.