FOSDEM 2010 Exchanges
This page is related to FOSDEM 2010 letters, mails, SMS exchanges
: Feel free to contact the Project Team - see above - if you have any remarks, comments, ideas, etc..which can help us to improve the FOSDEM'10 Edition. Thanks a lot.
: For more details about the event in itself, please go to Fedora Events: FOSDEM 2010 in Brussels, Belgium related wiki page.
: Call for talks in Fedora Devroom. FOSDEM 2010 Technical Talk Propositions wiki page Creation for Talk submissions.
Mail from FOSDEM'10 team - 19th October 2009 -
Hi all If you wonder why you receive this email, it's either because you've been a contact for your respective distribution at FOSDEM in the past, or because I'm looking for contacts with distribution projects where we didn't have any in the past ;) If this email is best sent to another person, please forward it accordingly. You probably all heard of FOSDEM before. If not, FOSDEM == ;) The next edition is 6+7 February 2010, and it's also our 10th edition. As such, we've been reflecting on the evolution of the event (in the sense that our mission and what it has become is rather a platform for FOSS projects, much more than just a conference, or at least that's what we'd like FOSDEM to become), and we are introducing a change regarding Developer Rooms for distribution projects. We would like to push the envelope of our mission even further by organizing something along the lines of a "distribution summit" during FOSDEM 2010 (incidentally, I had that idea long before I heard of the "distrosummit" that will be held at, a few weeks before FOSDEM but hey, it's far away, and FOSDEM is the European event of the year ;D). The idea is that rather than having several distributions with their own respective and individual Developer Room, we will host mixed conference rooms where talks and sessions will be organized _by topic_, with contributors from all distributions attending and participating. The reasoning behind it is manifold: * most distributions have their own events nowadays (FUDcon, debconf, openSUSE conf, EuroBSDCon, etc...), which are already used for topics and matters that are specific to each of them * FOSDEM is an almost unique occasion to meet and exchange with contributors of many major FOSS projects, given the large amount of visitors (~5000) and projects present during the weekend — we believe that not taking profit of that constellation is a bad use of the tool that is FOSDEM :) * the number of distributions requesting Developer Rooms at FOSDEM is very likely to rise in the future, given that Gentoo didn't send a request in time last edition and that Ubuntu didn't ask until now (but I'm assuming that it is likely to happen at some point in time ;)), as well as Mandriva having unfortunately been turned down by us due to lack of space (and there's really no reason to accept the usual suspects and having to say no to Mandriva, or almost any other distribution project for that matter) To dive into a little more detail: * 3 (large) rooms will be allocated for that "distro summit" * sessions will be scheduled by topic (see below) * every project is welcome to join in :) Note that stands are not affected in any way and will be handled as previous editions (i.e. send us a request: Topics are something I need your feedback and ideas on: whatever you think is appropriate as a topic that is recurring issue for distributions (governance, feature tracking, trust mechanisms, ambassadors, ...), or something where you would like to present your solutions for specific tasks to other distributions (e.g. package building, translations, bug tracking, community infrastructure, ...), especially if you're interested in feedback, ideas and collaboration from and with other projects... we'd love to hear about it :) Given that, when I'm switching caps, I'm myself deeply involved into a distribution project (openSUSE), I do have a few proposals in terms of topics — and please don't shoot if most examples I'm giving are related to openSUSE, it's just because it happens to be the distribution project I know best: * Packaging: 17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)~~ - - present different toolsets for handling the burden of packaging a distribution as well as additional repositories (e.g. openSUSE Build Service) - - have a few packaging subsystem sessions, where the current state of RPM/yum/zypp/..., dpkg/apt, emerge, ports, etc... are presented, as well as their respective roadmaps for the future - - evolve/adapt repository metadata formats ? * Localization: 17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC) - - how to handle collaborative translations ? (e.g. transifex) - - localization of distribution documentation, project wikis, etc... - - how to coordinate with upstream ? * Community Infrastructure: 17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)~~ - - FedoraCommunity, opensourced LaunchPad, Bugzilla extensions, etc... * Test and QA 17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)Fhornain * Governance: 17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)Fhornain - - boards, elections, technical control of the distribution, ... - - ambassador programs, LoCo teams, etc... - - legal issues * Working with upstream: 17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC)Fhornain 17:15, 19 October 2009 (UTC) - - have a few sessions with major upstream projects present at FOSDEM (Mozilla, GNOME, KDE, ...) on how to improve/optimize collaboration between downstream (distributions) and upstream (developers), e.g. for patches Unless somebody has some time to spare and steps up, which would be more than welcome, we will take care of handling the coordination of the session proposals, as well as the schedule. If you're interested in participating, please contact us ASAP at The most practical option will be to subscribe to a mailing-list: And we will be able to discuss details, ideas, as well as the schedule there. If you do want to participate, please echo the event to your respective contributor community, and poke them to subscribe to the above mentioned list and make proposals or inquiries there. Thanks for reading so far, and hopefully we'll see you in Brussels for FOSDEM 2010 :) cheers Pascal B.