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Revision as of 20:10, 27 October 2009 by Leigh123linux (talk | contribs)
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  • Please let me know when this lands in rawhide so we can turn off bug-buddy at the same time. -- mclasen
  • with Ubuntu and openSUSE both adopting apport, is there a special reason we are inventing our own here instead of working towards a suitable one true solution for everyone via apport?


I tried to get this to work today, and utterly failed. First hurdle, the feature page does not even list any of the packages that one needs to install. After installing abrt, abrt-gui, abrt-applet and abrt-addon-ccpp and turning the abrt service on, I could kill apps all I want, I never saw any trace of abrt doing anything. It is likely that I am missing something here, but the test section leaves me completely in the dark as to what that might be... --mclasen 04:53, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

Can the /abrt-report be saved under then crash name eg. /abrt-report/cifs-x-xx-x Instead of appeding\overwriting. frankly3d 26th August 2009

It would be a useful tool if it worked properly, at the moment it just spams bugzilla with useless blank reports. --leigh123linux 20:09, 27 October 2009 (UTC)