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Revision as of 13:51, 30 October 2009 by Mef (talk | contribs)

The big issue for Sesame2 is in fact spring (, which has a lot of dependencies. There is an existing jpackage package at, but of course it has a lot of dependencies itself. The following list of dependencies is extracted from the Spring documentation rather than the jpackage package; I'll look at the jpackage package soon and see whether some of these can be removed. Hopefully they've already done the Oracle and WebSphere removals ... :)

There are also a few libraries needed by sesame2 itself that don't come from Spring, along with a few extra Maven plugins that seem to be needed for the build (but may turn out to be unnecessary in the end, I hope).

Dependencies for spring

  • aopalliance/aopalliance.jar -- jpackage, ready to import
  • aspectj/aspectjweaver.jar, aspectj/aspectjrt.jar, (aspectj/aspectjtools.jar) -- jpackage, in progress (seems to want an old JDK (< 0:1.5.0, investigate)
  • bsh/bsh-2.0b4.jar -- fedora has 1.3.0, test if that's good enough
  • c3p0/c3p0- -- jpackage, in progress (nodeps)
  • caucho/hessian-3.1.3.jar -- jpackage, in progress (nodeps)
  • cglib/cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar -- jpackage, needs aspeckwerkz and jarjar
    • aspectwerkz: jarjar, jrexx, piccolo, gnu-trove
      • jrexx: no extra deps, builds well
      • piccolo: no extra deps, builds well
      • gnu-trove: no extra deps, builds well
  • eclipselink/eclipselink.jar -- doesn't seem to be anywhere; homepage'
  • ehcache/ehcache-1.5.0.jar -- jpackage has 1.3.0, which requires many things including spring (WTF?). Maybe try updating to 1.5.0 for Fedora
  • groovy/groovy-1.5.6.jar -- jpackage has groovy15, needs cglib, jarjar, jmock, mockobjects, openejb1, xstream (all jpackage)
    • jmock: needs cglib and asm
    • mockobjects: no extra deps
    • openejb: needs a bunch of maven stuff (probably just package name issues), along with castor0
      • castor0: needs cglib, ldapsdk, mockejb, tyrex
        • ldapsdk: no unpackaged deps, in progress
        • mockejb: aspectj, cglib, jakarta-cactus
          • jakarta-cactus: aspectj, cargo, maven stuff
            • cargo: needs ITSELF (?!?!), jmock, gnu-trove, jakarta-commons-vfs
              • jakarta-commons-vfs: jakarta-slide-webdavclient, jcifs
                • jakarta-slide-webdavclient: jakarta-commons-transaction, xml-im-exporter
                  • jakarta-commons-transaction: builds cleanly
                  • xml-im-exporter: builds cleanly
                • jcifs has no unmet deps, compile error
        • tyrex: castor0(?!) jts, ldapsdk, openorb, openorb-tns
          • jts: no match
          • openorb*: avalon stuff (package name issue only), excalibur-configuration (is obsolete! may need to patch openorb)
    • xstream: needs cglib, jettison, jmock, wstx
      • jettison: needs jakarta-slide-webdavclient
      • wstx: no extra dependencies; builds nicely, nearly done -- dead old review request
  • glassfish/glassfish-clapi.jar -- Not sure, glassfish is in jpackage but dunno about this
  • hibernate/hibernate3.jar, hibernate/hibernate-annotations.jar, hibernate/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar -- jpackage, needs cglib jboss-cache jboss-common ehcache oscache swarmcache c3p0 proxool docbook-xsl-saxon
    • jboss*: I really don't want to package this too ... :(
    • oscache: ivy hibernate3(?!) jakarta-commons-logging >= 1.1
      • ivy: builds clean
      • jakarta-commons-logging: Fedora has 1.0
    • swarmcache: builds cleanly
    • proxool: no extra dependencies, but jpackage SRPM seems corrupt
    • docbook-xsl-saxon: builds cleanly
  • ibatis/ibatis- -- in jpackage as apache-ibatis; needs cglib, derby, db-ojb
    • derby: most deps seem to be there, but with different names
    • db-ojb: apache-jdo-1.1*, other stuff ...
  • jakarta-commons/commons-attributes-api.jar, jakarta-commons/commons-attributes-compiler.jar -- in jpackage, no deps, build failure
  • jamon/jamon-2.7.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is
  • jarjar/jarjar.jar -- jpackage, no deps, builds clean
  • jasperreports/jasperreports-2.0.5.jar --- Not packaged, homepage is
  • jdo/jdo2-api.jar -- In jpackage as apache-jdo; probably just needs renaming of dependencies
  • jexcelapi/jxl.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is
  • jotm/jotm.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is
  • jotm/xapool.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is
  • jruby/jruby.jar -- jpackage, requires jarjar joni jruby-bytelist jvyamlb retroweaver; there's a dead Fedora package that could be resurrected
    • joni: just maven surefire plugin (packaging)
    • jruby-bytelist: no extra deps, builds clean
    • jvyamlb: jruby-bytelist
    • retroweaver (may not be needed actually): wants a lot of JREs(?)
  • openjpa/openjpa-1.1.0.jar -- In jpackage (1.0.2), needs derby docbkx docbook-xml serp
    • docbkx: maven stuff, avalon stuff (renaming), and xslthl
      • xlslthl: builds clean
    • docbook-xml: nodeps, builds clean
    • serp: maven plugins
  • poi/poi-3.0.1.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is
  • portlet/portlet-api.jar -- In jpackage as apache-portlet, needs maven stuff (plugin name issues)
  • quartz/quartz-all-1.6.1.jar --- Not packaged, homepage is
  • tiles/tiles-api-2.0.6.jar, tiles/tiles-core-2.0.6.jar, tiles/tiles-jsp-2.0.6.jar -- In jpackage, needs maven stuff, portlet_1.0_api, shale-test
    • shale-test: srpm is "shale", requires lots of stuff, hopefully it's just for running tests and can be patched out
  • velocity/velocity-1.5.jar, velocity/velocity-tools-view-1.4.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is
  • jmx/jmxremote_optional.jar -- "JMXMP connector (from JMX Remote API 1.0.1 reference implementation), required at runtime when using the JMXMP connector" -- may not be needed
  • serp/serp-1.13.1.jar -- jpackage, needs some maven plugins (probably just renaming)

Spring dependencies to patch out

  • websphere/websphere_uow_api.jar -- Probably not usable (extracted from WebSphere), patch out
  • oc4j/oc4j-clapi.jar, toplink/toplink-api.jar, toplink/toplink-essentials.jar -- All from Oracle, must patch out

Other dependencies (aside from those required by spring)

  • aduna-appbase-core-3.4.1.jar, aduna-appbase-logging-api-3.4.1.jar, aduna-appbase-logging-file-3.4.1.jar, aduna-appbase-webapp-base-core-3.4.1.jar, aduna-commons-collections-2.3.jar, aduna-commons-concurrent-2.2.jar, aduna-commons-i18n-1.0.jar, aduna-commons-io-2.4.jar, aduna-commons-iteration-2.3.jar, aduna-commons-lang-2.3.jar, aduna-commons-net-2.2.jar, aduna-commons-net-http-server-embedded-2.1.jar, aduna-commons-platform-info-2.4.jar, aduna-commons-text-2.2.jar, aduna-commons-webapp-core-2.4.jar, aduna-commons-xml-2.2.jar
  • logback-classic-0.9.9.jar, logback-core-0.9.9.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is, package (based on Debian) nearly ready
  • plexus-build-api-0.0.4.jar -- Not packaged, Debian package at
  • plexus-interpolation-1.13.jar, plexus-interpolation-1.6.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is
  • plexus-io-1.0-alpha-1.jar -- jpackage only, dependencies not checked yet
  • uba-1.7.jar, ubt-1.1.jar -- Not packaged, homepage is, packages nearly ready
  • xmlsec-1.3.0.jar -- In jpackage as xml-security, builds cleanly
  • xstream-1.3.1.jar -- Jpackage, needs cglib jettison jmock wstx

Additional maven plugins needed

  • maven-doxia-tools-1.0.2.jar
    • Not sure if this is included in maven-doxia -- homepage at [1]
  • maven-filtering-1.0-beta-2.jar, maven-filtering-1.0-beta-3.jar
    • Available through [2]
  • maven-toolchain-1.0.jar
    • Possibly available by following links on [3]
  • tomcat-maven-plugin-1.0-beta-1.jar
    • Packaged in jpackage as part of huge mojo-maven-plugins SRPM -- see if it can be extracted (or patched out of the build process)