个人介绍 / Personal Introduction
来自中国大陆,大学所修专业为计算机专业,非常喜欢做基于linux平台的软件开发,并打算从事与GNU/linux相关的工作。自从Fedora 7开始我就一直使用fedora,非常喜欢fedora的开放性和创新性,将为Fedora在中国的传播尽绵薄之力。
I'm from China.My major at the university is computer science and technology , I like developing some software based on linux and intend to do GNU/linux related work.I have been using Fedora since Fedora 7. I like fedora very much for its openness and innovation.Since Fedora is such a good distribution of GNU/linux I will try my best to let others know Fedora.
联系方式/Contact Information
- E-mail/Google Talk: woqimingweipeng#gmail.com (please change "#" to "@")
- freenode 昵称/IRC: xielingyun #fedora-cn
- 博客主页/BLOG: [1]
- Fedora账号/Fedora Account: xielingyun
- GPG key:A54C55AD
活动与目标 / Activities within Fedora
活动与目标 / Activities within Fedora
- 将为fedora开发一些有用的小程序
- Try to develop some software for fedora
- 参与管理fedora中文社区bbs.fedora-zh.org
- Manage Fedora Chinese User Group bbs.fedora-zh.org
- 完善 Fedora 中文 wiki 页面
- Try to improve Fedora Chinese wiki pages
Fedora 推广 / Fedora Promotion
- fedora-cn 聊天频道 / IRC channel: #fedora-cn
- 论坛: 在国内的各个论坛宣传fedora,并且尽力解答别人的问题
- BBS: I will try my best to disseminate fedora in many linux BBS and answer newbies' questions