= Your Name and Surname =
Some words about you.
- Email: mailto:you@example.com
- IRC: Your freenode IRC name and channels you hang out (eg. #fedora-docs, etc.)
- GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
- Fedora Account: Your username on the Fedora Account System
Activities within Fedora
- Some words about your involvement in Fedora, your plans, ideas, etc.
- For example, if you are into translations, the languages you are working on; if you are into docs, the docs you are interested in, etc.
All About ME!
Hi, My name is Joe O'Dell and I've been working on Fedora for quite a while.
Well, I'm a student at a school in Bedfordshire, UK.
Contact Details:
Email: joseph.odell@googlemail.com
Fedora Account: ascenseur
Country: UK - England
Activities within Fedora
I am currently applying for the FreeMedia project. I am hoping to distribute Fedora throughout the UK.
-FreeMedia Project Administrator-
PLEASE NOTE: I am not able to distribute CDs outside of the UK. This is because of the complications involved with international postage, and the high costs of such.