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FAmSCo Meeting Minutes: 2006-10-30


  • ThomasChung (./)
  • AlexMaier
  • DamienDurand (./)
  • FrancescoUgolini (./)
  • JackAboutboul (./)
  • PatrickBarnes
  • RodrigoPadula

Meeting Summary

  • Agenda from ThomasChung
Oct 30 15:09:01 tchung	Well, here is what I had in mind to discuss.
Oct 30 15:09:54 tchung	1. I would like to find out how much FC6 DVDs will be made this time.
Oct 30 15:10:30 tchung	2. I would like to go over pending Ambassadors Material Requests in tracker.
  • Task Group Assignment
Oct 30 15:14:11 tchung	Yes, we also need to assign members to Each Task Group.
Oct 30 15:14:42 tchung	Since we don't have enough body in this session, I'll bring Group Assignment on the list.
  • FC6 DVD Production
Oct 30 15:18:25 tchung	Do you have any information?
Oct 30 15:18:31 greendisease	we put in the order
Oct 30 15:18:54 greendisease	they should be shipping next week
Oct 30 15:19:01 tchung	Do you know how many?
Oct 30 15:19:11 greendisease	6000 x86
Oct 30 15:19:17 greendisease	2000 64bit
Oct 30 15:19:20 greendisease	2000 ppc
Oct 30 15:19:33 greendisease	we will be able to drop drop ship anywhere in the US
Oct 30 15:19:43 greendisease	or world really, as long as red hat wants to pay the costs
  • Responsibility of Ambassadors Media Requests
Oct 30 15:21:30 greendisease	i dont know exactly how media requests will work
Oct 30 15:21:39 greendisease	i dont even know if i am responsible for that or not
Oct 30 15:22:48 tchung	greendisease, we'll ask Max or Alex who's responsible for sending out Ambassadors Media Requests now.
  • More on Task Group Assignment
Oct 30 15:26:21 tchung	Well, we need re-assign Task Group among new members.
Oct 30 15:26:51 tchung	I was thinking we do this via the list since we don't have everyone in this session
Oct 30 15:27:21 tchung	I'll probably will stay in Members Services but I also want to involve in Schwag/Events.
Oct 30 15:28:14 tchung	I'm pretty sure Alex will remain in Budget since who knows that better than her. :)
  • Meeting Prep and Organization
Oct 30 15:30:43 tchung	Please make sure bring up a  list of issues and questions in the next meeting. :)
Oct 30 15:31:04 greendisease	alright, i think we need to organize better for next meeting
Oct 30 15:31:14 tchung	and send them out in the list so we know what we are about to discuss.
Oct 30 15:31:28 greendisease	send out a reminder not just day-of, but a few days before
Oct 30 15:31:51 tchung	we sure need to clean our current agenda table on wiki.

Next Meeting