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Fabian Kanngießer
Fabian Kanngießer
Fabian Kanngießer
Fabian Kanngießer
Personal Information
Born: June 6th 1990 in
Home: Barchfeld / Wartburgkreis / Germany
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: underscores
Miscellaneous Information

IRC: underscores on Libera.Chat, in:
#fedora-de #fedora-ambassadors #fedora #fedora-kde
Badges (18)
Involvement Speak Up! Ambassador Embryo Tadpole Egg Baby Badger Tadpole with Legs In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Macaron (Cookie I) Origin Froglet Don't Call it a Comeback Paranoid Panda Let Me Introduce Myself Junior Badger (Badger I) Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) Adult Frog


Simon Wesp

About me

My name is Fabian Kanngießer. I'm a 19 year old student from Thuringia. I visit the "Berufsbildungszentrum Schmalkalden" which I will finish this year. After that I plan to visit the university and study computer science. I started to use fedora after I heard about Linux in school from a teacher. Since then I try to convince my classmates and almost everyone in my environment to use fedora. ;-) Phrases like "But you can not play %{certain_games} never discouraged me.

Activities within Fedora

By now I have not done anything official. I want to become an ambassador so I can get involved deeper in the fedora project. Also I want to collect more ideas about how to spread fedora. When I can convince somebody from using fedora it makes me always happy. By now I tried to persuade friends, family members and as mentioned above classmates. I also showed my teachers several projects of fedora like the "Fedora Electronic Labs" project. My greatest achievement by now is probably the mere fact that our teachers started to spend more time on Linux then they did before.