Fedora Weekly News Issue 214
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 214[1] for the week ending February 21, 2010. What follows are some highlights from this issue.
In Announcements, we start off with an invitation to contribute Fedora 13 Talking Points from the Fedora Marketing team. Also of note is the Fedora 13 branching and freezing that happened last week, and announcement of a new privilege escalation policy for Fedora packaging. In news from the Fedora Planet, details on how libvirt deals with different CPU models and passing on their capabilities to guests, a discussion on the value of having a target audience for Fedora, how to update your system BIOS without having to use Windows or a USB stick, and announcement of a new utility, gnome-speaker-setup. We're pleased to welcome Neville Cross to FWN to cover the Fedora Marketing Team activities for FWN. Neville's beat this week includes pointers to the Team's meeting last week as well as more internal detail on the Fedora 13 Talking Points, mentioned above. The Ambassador's beat includes coverage of last week's Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE 8X) con in California. In news from the Quality Assurance team, details on last week's team meetings, as well as the first Test Day in some time, this on Color Management, also updates on Fedora 13 images and a new Security Spin. In Translation news, announcement of Transifex v.0.7.4 for testing on the Fedora staging server, progress on the QA test of Fedora 13's L10n, and an update on Midnight Commander's availability for translations. In the Art/Design beat, updated details on Fedora 13 artwork including wallpapers, and testing results of the new Design Suite spin. Security Advisories provides last week's security patches for Fedora 11, 12, and for the first week, Fedora 13. This rounds out FWN 214, enjoy reading!
We're also pleased to note the availability of Fedora Audio Weekly News (FAWN), an audio version in Ogg Vorbis format for a few past FWN issues that one of our contributors has begun. Find it on the Internet Archive[2] and have a listen!
If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[3]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-list@redhat.com
FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson