The F13 slogan
For the 13th Release of Fedora, "Goddard," the Fedora Marketing team ran an open, community based process of slogan submissions, found at That process included guidelines for producing great slogans, and as a result of our call, we received a large number of slogan contributions, which are recorded at
After an exciting and enjoyable Marketing team meeting, the release slogan for Fedora 13 "Goddard" has been chosen and approved: "Rock it!" This slogan translates the Fedora user experience in Goddard as:
" quotation, should translate why "ROCK IT!" from a user experience point of view ", Robyn Bergoren (2010)
Incidentally, "Goddard" is named after the scientist Robert H. Goddard[1] (1882/1945), who made significant contributions to the space age in the field of Rocket Engineering, including the first liquid propelled rocket.
It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.
-- Robert Goddard
Notes for translators
As explained at the release slogan SOP, for best effect, the slogan is decided on the basis of the Fedora Project's lingua franca. However, the Marketing team realizes that not all languages will be able to offer a direct translation of the slogan with the same effect. We provide the information above to help translators understand the connotations and other impact of the slogan.
We trust our translators and fellow Fedora Project members to use their best judgment to find a compatible slogan for their locale if the slogan is difficult to translate as is. Translators should try to ensure that their translations do not have negative connotations or connections in their language.
NOTE: during translations please ensure the following:
- to avoid disambiguations of the term provide the background in which "Rock it!" has appeared
- relate term "Rock it!" with "Goddard" and Artistic Theme surrounding Fedora 13 (technology/engineering/space/freedom)
- "Rock it!" to be provided related to the Experience we want our users to have using Fedora 13.
If this guidelines are met, there should be no ground for disambiguations of the expression. Please consider that we are aiming to an International Audience, therefore providing such backgrounds is important.