We want a way to easily share design details between developers and designers. We want to stay up to date, share screenshots, integrate with IRC and/or mailing lists. We are building Design Hub.
Two posts by Mairin Duffy: http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/random-idea-for-design-collaboration-tool/ http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/03/01/the-one-where-the-designers-ask-for-a-pony/
We (contributors)
Designers from Gnome/RH, developers from Isotope 11 (http://isotope11.com/), and OSS community members
- Máirín Duffy
- Robby (Isotope 11)
- Josh (Isotope 11)
- Come summer: Colin Zwiebel
We'd love to have help on this project? Ping us on the mailing list (coming soon, contact a contributor directly until then)
Communication and Tools
Mailing list: coming soon. For now, ping someone under the contributor section. Source Control: http://github.com/rclements/Fedora-Design-Collab Ticketing System: http://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/58508#