From Fedora Project Wiki
Julio Rivera

Hello Everybody, I am Julio Rivera, I live in El Salvador.
A little Personal Resume
- I am using GNU/Linux since 1995, My first installed distro was Redhat 2.1 [[1]].
- I am a founder of GNU/Linux User Group El Salvador.
- I worked in the aeronauthical world during 3 years.
- I was a professor for 5 years, I was teaching Open Source Related Subjects.
- I was a consultant in Open Source at El Salvador.
- I work with GSM technology right now (Open Source Also).
Stament of Purpose
- I want to start the Fedora Users Group in El Salvador.
- I want to be a Fedora Developer.
- I want to be a Kernel Developer.
- I want to attend FUDCON "some day in the Future!"
- Email:
- IRC: Your freenode IRC name and channels you hang out (eg. #fedora-docs, etc.)
- GPG key: Your key ID and/or signature
- Fedora Account: jullx Fedora Account System
Activities within Fedora
- Some words about your involvement in Fedora, your plans, ideas, etc.
- For example, if you are into translations, the languages you are working on; if you are into docs, the docs you are interested in, etc.