Fedora Insight: General News Workflow (Contributors)
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General News Workflow
A contributor who has an account can submit general news articles for publication with Fedora Insight at any time. [fill in details here of which FAS group to apply to, etc.]
They will click on a link [which needs to be added to the FI frontpage for authenticated users] to submit a piece of news, as appropriate:
1. [Events]
3. [General news]
Let's look at a general news submission more closely.
A title for the news item is required, and they should select an appropriate category from the drop-down list. For general news, don't use the FWN categories, but any of the others as appropriate may be used.
There is both a summary text area as well as the story text area. Contributors can use the embedded javascript editor to edit the text as appropriate.
Pick a date for the item to be published on, and also when the item should no longer be available.
Once you are ready, click on the publish button to submit the article to the editing process