Purpose: Oversee, define, and improve on the Fedora Project's work with students contributing as part of their classwork or summer internship, and do so in a way that provides a general framework re-deployable by other open source projects seeking to do the same.
What are we doing?
- Summer Coding 2010
- We're working on the execution of summer coding initiatives within Fedora. Effectively, what we're trying to do is take the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) model and generalize and expand it to the notion of $FUNDING_SOURCE Summer of Code by providing sample implementations of alternative values of $FUNDING_SOURCE alongside our continued participation in GSoC.
- For a 7-minute video explanation, see Summer Of Code Swimchart: Now With More Generic.
Sponsoring Organizations
While our efforts began with the Google Summer of Code, we are now working with several other sponsoring organizations to maximize the opportunities for students to work on free and open source projects under our guidance.
Refer to the Summer Coding Sponsors page for more.
How can you help?
Right now, join our #Communication channels and introduce yourself and what you're interested in - we're working together to define more formal roles for those who want to know their time investment beforehand. That discussion will be carried out on the list, and the more formal roles will be announced on the Fedora mailing lists and planet when they are ready.
- Complete Summer Coding 2010 plan so that we can ...
- Complete Summer Coding 2010.
- Communicate based on the plan.
- Define further tasks.
- Trac instance
Mailing List
The project mailing list is the main discussion location:
You can find SIG members regularly on IRC in:
- irc://irc.freenode.net/#fedora-summer-coding
- Web access is available at: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fedora-summer-coding
- Channel currently on hold until we sort out logistics in 24 March meeting.
Joint work performed across teams, such as with JBoss.org, is discussed in:
- irc://irc.freenode.net/#redhat-summer
- Web access is available at: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=redhat-summer
- Existing channel being used for discussion until we sort out logistics in 24 March meeting.
Meetings are every week on Wednesday at 1500 UTC in:
- irc://irc.freenode.net/#fedora-meeting
- Web access is available at: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=fedora-meeting
Wed. 2010-04-28
- Review previous week's task list
- Status
- Re-task
- Review where we are in the schedule
- Any deliverables in danger?
- Status on items
- Sponsors - quaid
- Ideas - all
- Mentors - all
- Students - all
This is a pre-draft plan called a strawman proposal. --Quaid 05:21, 22 March 2010 (UTC)
- Focus on participating schools:
- Bite off what we can chew and do it well.
- Likely to attract a few more schools this way.
- Stronger co-branding with the school, building communities of open source practitioners at each school v. one-offs spread all over.
- Schools can provide housing (& board), hack space, and on the ground mentoring as part of the stipend to students.
- Bring in corporate sponsors who do the following:
- Provide money for any efforts that occur within Fedora, or
- Provide money that focuses on a specific set of FOSS projects important to the sponsor (which must be in Fedora or able to be brought in by the student,) and
- Provide logistical support as part of a global volunteer team within the SIG - from t-shirts to payments.
- Students come from the participating schools and work on:
- Fedora Project efforts, or
- Other participating upstreams, such as where the school maintains its own upstream relationships, or
- JBoss.org upstreams, or
- Other upstream proposals running through our umbrella, requiring careful consideration by proposal committee.
- An important part of this is exposing the projects needs via something automagic, such as OpenHatch.org.
This schedule is ready for Summer Coding 2010. Join the discussion mailing list and/or watch this page to be updated about schedule changes.
Start dates are emphasized and deadlines are in bold emphasis for student items.
- April
- 7 April - Students can begin submitting applications
- May
- Whole month - students, mentors, and sub-projects get to know each other
- 13 May - Mentors need to finish idea pages
- 20 May - Students applications + proposals need to be in
- 21 May - Sponsors must pledge funding by this point
- 24 May - Organizers finalize how many applications will be accepted
- 27 May - Mentors + admins finalize rank-ordered list
- 28 May - Students informed yes/no about application
- June
- Whole month - code, interact
- 01 June - Project begins (depending on proposal)
- July
- 05 July - Midterm evaluations period begins
- 05 July - Student midterm deadline for evaluation (first, soft deadline)
- 08 July - Student midterm deadline for evaluation (final deadline)
- 12 July - Midterm evaluations due from mentors
- August
- 09 August - Project coding completes
- 16 August - Students final report, code snapshot, and evaluations due
- 20 August - Mentor evaluations due for students
- 23 August - Final evaluations due back to students
- 25 August - Mentor, sub-project evaluations of the Summer Coding program requested
- September
- 01 September - Sponsors receive report from organizers
- 06 September - Sponsors release and deliver funds (proposed date)
Past years
Past project ideas
Past project participation
- Google's Summer of Code participation
- Internships from Red Hat
- OLPC Summer of Content
- COSS Summer Code of Finland