From Fedora Project Wiki
GNOME in Fedora 13 "Goddard"
This article is under construction.

About the Author

My name is Nelson Marques and I live in Lisbon, Portugal. I'm finishing my Higher Studies in Marketing Management on IPAM - Portuguese Institute for Marketing Administration and I work for NFSi Telecom, where I act as a bridge between the Sales Department and Marketing Department. In the past I represented Netual Multimédia e Telecomunicações as a System Administrator, responsible for their Linux Infra-Structure. I've also developed work for Portugal Telecom Inovação S.A. as a System Administrator and did some minor packaging for Red Hat 6.0 of in-house developed software. From 2004 I've mainly developed freelancer work as a System Administrator for a couple of companies, being the most important ClanWarz.NET and Ventrilo Servers, alongside with other minor GSP's (Game Server Providers).


The Fedora Project provides a Linux distribution named "Fedora Linux", having scheduled it's 13th Release, Fedora 13 "Goddard", to 18th May 2010. One of the features that Fedora 13 deploys is the long waited GNOME 2.30.0, the Free Software Desktop Project maintained and promoted by the GNOME Foundation and part of the GNU Project.

Fedora 13 introduces to it's users a new set of features and in some cases extended functionality. Some of this features are a part of the GNOME Desktop and provide a more pleasant Linux experience to Fedora and GNOME users.

GNOME in Fedora 13

A User's perspective