From Fedora Project Wiki

Jakarta-commons rename to apache-commons

This page hosts information about the next rename of jakarta-commons packages[1] to apache-commons[2]. This change should happend in rawhide for Fedora 14.


Following table lists packages in jakarta-commons, their cross-dependencies and owners responsible for them. Packages with no dependencies can be renamed immediately. Others should wait for their dependencies to rename first.

Package Owner Dependencies Status
commons-collections devrim None TODO
commons-compress Red None TODO
commons-el fnasser None TODO
commons-codec mbooth None TODO
commons-launcher mbooth None TODO
commons-pool mbooth None TODO
commons-logging mbooth None CVS
commons-discovery sochotni logging ON REVIEW
commons-daemon pcheung None TODO
commons-io pcheung None TODO
commons-fileupload pcheung io TODO
commons-lang pcheung None TODO
commons-net pcheung None TODO
commons-beanutils fnasser collections, logging TODO
commons-cli jmrodri lang, logging TODO
commons-httpclient pcheung codec, logging TODO
commons-jxpath fnasser beanutils, collections, logging TODO
commons-dbcp mbooth collections, pool TODO
commons-digester mbooth beanutils, logging TODO
commons-modeler mbooth beanutils, collections, digester, logging TODO
commons-validator mbooth beanutils, collections, digester, logging TODO
commons-configuration fnasser beanutils, codec, collections, dbcp, digester, jxpath, lang, logging, pool TODO