Norfaisal Ismail
About me

I am Norfaisal Ismail, from Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia.
I am a new member of the Fedora Community and used FC since July 2009.
Previously I managed to learn UNIX OS and managed to install RedHat (sorry dont remember which release) into my desktop. This was around year 2000 and since working around 2001, I totally became M$ Windows user and I helped a lot of people when they have problems with their machine which is running M$ in it.
Since last year when my laptop cannot communicate with a broadband modem, i feel so irritated about this paid os and start googling around for UNIX type OS and found a lots of distro nowadays. I had installed and tested a few distro but I think I will stick with FC and will try to promote it to all my friends.
I also had a plan to expand this idea of open source to my children, my brother n sister's children, my niece and nephew's children and so on so that one day this new generation can contribute something to this community.
I believe that one day this community can bring something to the era of computing that will benefit to all of us around the world.
Let's join and take small steps together towards that freedom.
Fedora is Freedom.
Contact Me
My nick is: i_faisal
I usually hang out at #fedora-my.
- Mobile GSM: +60199178200
My Blog
Feel free to visit and comment.
My Plan with Fedora
- current progress, to be Fedora Ambassador in Malaysia especially @ for my hometown, Kuala Terengganu.
- in near future, i would like to contribute in:
- Fedora Artwork
- Fedora Websites
norfaisal ismail 07:31, 25 May 2010 (UTC)