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In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, including general announcements[1], selected announcements to the Fedora user list[2], development announcements[3] and Events[4].

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

Fedora Announcement News

Fedora Board and FESCo Election results

Paul W. Frields[1], Fedora Project Leader, announced[2], "The Fedora elections for the Fedora Project Board and the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) have concluded, and the results follow:

The Board is electing 3 seats this cycle. A total of 229 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1374 votes (229 * 6). The results for the Fedora Board election are as follows:

name                     | # votes
Tom Callaway (spot)      |    1001
Máirín Duffy (mizmo)     |     978
Rex Dieter (rdieter)     |     772
Stephen Smoogen (smooge) |     559
John McDonough (jjmcd)   |     437
Larry Cafiero (lcafiero) |     430

Therefore, Tom Callaway, Máirín Duffy, and Rex Dieter are elected to the Board for a full two-release term.

FESCo is electing 5 seats this cycle. A total of 180 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1260 votes (180 *7). The results for the FESCo election are as follows:

name                         | # votes
Bill Nottingham (notting)    |     937
Kevin Fenzi (kevin)          |     749
Matthias Clasen (mclasen)    |     681
Kyle McMartin (kyle)         |     545
Steven M. Parrish (tuxbrewr) |     516
Bruno Wolff III (bruno)      |     492
Justin M. Forbes (jforbes)   |     460

Therefore, Bill Nottingham, Kevin Fenzi, Matthias Clasen, Kyle McMartin, and Steven M. Parrish are elected to FESCo for a full two-release term.

Congratulations to the winning candidates, and thank you to each of the nominees for running, and our volunteers and team members for their assistance."

Thank-you message from the Board

Paul W. Frields[1] thanked[2] for the successful releases of the Fedora 13 distribution. The full announcement:

"We've had yet another in a long line of successful releases of the Fedora distribution. Now that the furor over the first few release days has passed, we on the Board want to recognize the outstanding efforts of our friends and colleagues in the Fedora Project.

A huge amount of development work has gone into this release, on a variety of features from desktops to drivers, by ambitious engineers. Package maintainers have kept up with myriad upstreams to provide the best of what works today for millions of consumers. Our designers made everything beautiful, cleaning up icons, building thematic web banners, and providing a brilliant backdrop for daily work.

Documentation writers kept track of changes in the distribution and made sure that studious users can find information they need. Translators around the world made Fedora 13 ready for a global user base, working together with developers and writers to localize content into dozens of languages.

Release engineering made sure everything was built according to spec and provided publicly on multiple schedules throughout the release cycle. The bug triage and quality assurance teams repeatedly tested Fedora, identified problems, and helped move them to resolution to make the distro as stable as possible.

The project's system administrators made sure all our bits were in their rightful places and available around the world as easily as possible to the public. Our marketing and Ambassadors teams and the good folks at the Fedora Weekly News continue to work together to spread information and updates about our project and distribution consistently and globally.

In short, from every person who has promoted or provided Fedora, filed or fixed a bug, written or packaged code, labored over writing or translation, gardened the wiki, built or remixed the distro, helped their fellow users and contributors in a positive spirit of free and open source community -- thank you to each and every one of you!

With sincere gratitude, The Fedora Project Board

  • Christopher Aillon
  • Josh Boyer
  • Tom 'spot' Callaway
  • Matt Domsch
  • Paul W. Frields
  • Dennis Gilmore
  • Mike McGrath
  • John Poelstra
  • Chris Tyler
  • Colin Walters"

Fedora Project Contributor Agreement Draft Revision Posted (Replacement for Fedora Individual Contributor License Agreement)

Tom "spot" Callaway[1] from Fedora Legal announced[2],"Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on the Fedora Project Contributor Agreement (FPCA). We listened to your concerns, and have amended the draft slightly.

Here are the key changes that we've made:

  • 1)We removed undefined references to "free".
  • 2) We replaced the term "electronic" with "digital".
  • 3) Most importantly, we made several changes to explicitly address the problem of reuse of default-licensed CC-BY-SA content within GPL-covered works. (Basically, we added a GPL exception.)

The full text of the revised FPCA, along with a FAQ, can be found here:[3]

Fedora Legal wishes to give the Fedora community a window of time for discussion and review of the revised FPCA. Due to the fact that the changes are relatively minor, and the original draft has been open for comments for some time now, this second window is open until June 4, 2010 (2010-06-04). After that point, either another revised FPCA will be released for review, or we will begin the process of phasing in the FPCA and phasing out the Fedora ICLA.

Thanks in advance"

PHX2 Outage

Ricky Zhou and Nick Bebout announced [1][2] that there was an outage of PHX2 (our main datacenter) starting at 2010-04-29 03:45 UTC for the reason "Our main location, PHX2 is unreachable". The full details:

"To convert UTC to your local time, take a look at [3]

or run: date -d '2010-04-29 03:45 UTC'

Reason for outage: Our main location, PHX2 is unreachable.

Affected Services: Bodhi - [4] Buildsystem - [5] CVS / Source Control Email system Fedora Account System - [6] Fedora Community - [7] Mirror List - [8] Mirror Manager - [9] Package Database - [10] Smolt - [11] Translation Services - [12] Wiki - [13]

Unaffected Services: BFO - [14] DNS -, Docs - [15] Fedora Hosted - [16] Fedora People - [17] Fedora Talk - [18] Main Website - [19] Spins - [20] Start - [21] Torrent - [22]

Ticket Link: None

Contact Information: Please join #fedora-admin in or respond to infrastructure at to track the status of this outage. However, Red Hat's network team will be the main people working on this."

Fedora Development News

CVS branches for F-11 closed

Dennis Gilmore [1] announced[2],"Since Fedora 13 was released today new CVS branches for F-11 will not be allowed.[3] lists the policy in effect this means that F-11 is now in a maintenance only cycle,with EOL fast approaching, the EOL date was set to June 25th by FESCo ([4] )."

Announcements from the Fedora user list

Fedora Events

Fedora events are the exclusive and source of marketing, learning and meeting all the fellow community people around you. So, please mark your agenda with the following events to consider attending or volunteering near you!

Upcoming Events (March 2010 to May 2010)

  • North America (NA)[1]
  • Central & South America (LATAM) [2]
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
  • India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]

Past Events

Archive of Past Fedora Events[1]

Additional information

  • Reimbursements -- reimbursement guidelines.
  • Budget -- budget for the current quarter (as distributed by FAMSCo).
  • Sponsorship -- how decisions are made to subsidize travel by community members.
  • Organization -- event organization, budget information, and regional responsibility.
  • Event reports -- guidelines and suggestions.
  • LinuxEvents -- a collection of calendars of Linux events.