From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 01:42, 10 June 2010 by Crantila (talk | contribs) (added links to LilyPond & Frescobaldi, commenting their details; also commented Audacity details)

(1.) Topics marked as "optional" will be completed as time permits, during project weeks 9, 10, and 11. See the proposed schedule for details.

(2.) Where possible, I will avoid replication of material by referring to existing Fedora Project documentation.

System Tasks

  • Understanding Sound Cards
    • What Is a "Sound Card?"
    • How Do I Find Information about my audio interface? (optional)
    • How Do I Find Information about my MIDI interface? (optional)
    • How Do I Know Which Input/Output Port to Use?
  • Understanding Sound Servers
    • What a Sound Server Is
    • Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
      • What ALSA Is, and Why It Exists
    • PulseAudio
      • What PulseAudio Is, and Why It Exists
      • Knowing When to Use PulseAudio
      • How to Disable PulseAudio
      • How to Remove PulseAudio
    • JACK Audio Connection Kit
      • What JACK Is, and Why It Exists
      • Knowing When to Use JACK
      • How to Setup Your System for JACK (will refer to kernel section, later)
      • Controlling JACK with QjackCtl
    • Phonon
      • What Phonon Is, and Why It Exists
      • Knowing When to Use Phonon
  • Planet CCRMA at Home
    • What Planet CCRMA Is, and Why It Exists
    • Knowing Whether You Should Use Planet CCRMA (including risks & benefits of third-party repositories)
    • Using Planet CCRMA Software
  • Optimizing the Linux Kernel for Audio Applications (optional, but highly desired - at least CCRMA)
    • What Is a Realtime Kernel? (including "What is processor scheduling?")
    • Using a Pre-built Realtime Kernel from Planet CCRMA (including "Planet CCRMA's kernels may be older than Fedora's")
    • Building Your Own Audio-Optimized Kernel (of course, with appropriate disclaimers)
    • Other Possible Optimizations (this will primarily be the removal of unused device drivers)

Audio Tasks

  • Recording
    • Knowing Whether to Use Audacity or Ardour
    • Audacity
    • Ardour
      • Requirements and Installation
      • Configuration
      • Recording a Session
      • Saving and Exporting
      • Something Complex
      • Something else Complex
  • Synthesizers and Sequencers
    • SuperCollider
      • What Is SuperCollider?
      • The Different Parts of SC
      • Requirements and Installation
      • Using GEdit to write and run code/programs/music
      • Composing with SuperCollider (Method 1)
      • Composing with SuperCollider (Method 2) (N.B. these 'methods' are intended to help users learn compositional strategies... the software is not particularly inviting)
      • Exporting Sound Files
    • FluidSynth
      • What Is FluidSynth?
      • About SoundFonts?
      • Requirements and Installation
      • Configuration
      • QSynth: Introduction and Installation
      • Using JACK with FluidSynth
      • Redirecting Output for Recording
    • Qtractor & Rosegarden: These will be in separate sections, but I'll need to learn the programs better before deciding what to do.
  • Typesetting
  • Aural Skills Training
    • GNU Solfege
      • I haven't used this in years, and it has changed quite a lot. I'll have to re-learn the software, then decide what to do.
  • Webcasting (highly optional - would make a great addition)
    • Darkice or Darksnow
    • Icecast Server
    • If I end up covering these applications, tutorial topics can be decided later.