I'm Bruno Braga, graduating in Internet Systems at the Federal Institute of Science and Knowledge of Paraiba - Brazil (IFPB). I started to use Linux in 2008, but always with dual-boot. I found Fedora this year in a Free Software event and became very interested in contribute with the Fedora Project.
I joined the Ambassadors because Fedora is not well-know in my state and i think i can bring Fedora and Open Source ideal to the people. I started at my university, i brought some Fedora 13 DVDs (downloaded by me) to my classmates and to the people of the Digital Communication Core, that i am a member. I'm planning to do some apresentations for the whole university when i have the chance.
I want to represent Fedora in every event i can go and expand the Project to the public at large.
* Email: bruno.ifpb@gmail.com * Fedora Account: brunodk * IRC: brunodk