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Support Feedback


From time to time, issues or conflicts arise in support channels. We should have a documented process for listening to feedback and acting on it where possible.

This document is oriented to irc support (specifically the #fedora support channel), but could be expanded to cover other support areas (mailing lists / forums).

Current #fedora feedback

The current method of feedback is via irc, in the #fedora-ops channel, and after that in email to the irc-support-operators group in fas.

The current setup for feedback of support in #fedora has a number of problems:

  • It's not really documented at all.
  • Feedback is done right after events that raised the issue, so everyone is emotional and "hot" about it.
  • Both the person wanting to provide the feedback and possibly people they wish to provide feedback about are in all these avenues, possibly leading to back and forth and heated exchanges between them.
  • Since feedback is done directly, there is no way to just pass along a lessons learned or high level view of the issue.

Positive things we can do

  • We should have a means for praising good behavior or good helpers.
  • We should be able to take feedback and come up with a high level way to learn from it and try and prevent it from happening again.
  • make sure people know their feedback was heard, even if no action is taken.
  • Mediate disputes and try and get both sides to reach some accomodation

Negative/enforcement things we can do

  • Ban (for $timeperiod)
  • remove status (cloaks/channel privs/other)

Possible ideas for implementation

(in no particular order)

  • email alias for feedback
  • trac setup for feedback
  • setup small group of ops to triage/boil down feedback for everyone else.
  • support mailing list for feedback (public/open to community)
  • setup small group of irc savvy trusted community members to triage issues and provide feedback and recommendations.
  • come up with formal rules for doing any of the above actions.