From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 00:22, 11 July 2010 by Quaid (talk | contribs) (making scores less interesting)

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.
This page is a work in progress

Areas we want to see students learning are:

  • Communication -- with mentors, other project members, affected people, interested people, general audience.
  • Community interaction -- is interactive, tries to resolve communication problems, open work interaction, does work in a way that community can see and become involved in.
  • Project work -- made expected or adjusted process against milestones, did work in line with community practices/values/norms of open collaboration,

Give points from 1 to 5 for each of the areas below. The 1 represents the lowest score and the 5 the highest score. Sum each score for each category, for example, "Communication: 20, Community interaction: 18, Project work: 19."


Communication -- with mentors, other project members, affected people, interested people, general audience.

Give the students from 1 to 5 points for each of these areas:

  1. Seeks and responds to communication from mentor.
  2. Seeks and responds to communication from other community members.
  3. Works to communicate and fix communication problems.
  4. Work is transparent.
  5. Important discussion channels have been used (blogs, mailing lists, IRC, others per project)

Community interaction

Community interaction -- works to understand community, is interactive, tries to resolve communication problems, open work interaction, does work in a way that community can see and become involved in.

Give the students from 1 to 5 points for each of these areas:

  1. Learning project community norms.
  2. Learns and improves from community interactions.
  3. Interacts regularly with relevant community.
  4. Community interaction is healthy.
  5. Work is conducted openly, interactively, and transparently, maintained by good communication.

Project work

Project work -- made expected or adjusted process against milestones, did work in line with community practices/values/norms of open collaboration.

Give the students from 1 to 5 points for each of these areas:

  1. Set a milestone-based schedule and kept it adjusted and updated.
  2. Made progress against milestones, original or adjusted.
  3. Work or adjusted work to align with community.
  4. Release early, release often and other FOSS dev practices learned and followed.
  5. Project setup and progress based-on or informed by open collaboration. For example, project code hosted in where access, watching commits, etc. is open to all.