These are the Talking Points for the Fedora 14 release. For information on how these talking points were chosen, see Talking Points SOP. They are intended to help Ambassadors quickly present an overview of highlighted features when talking about the release.
The talking points are based in part on the features for this release. Any Fedora community member can introduce a feature, using our feature process.
For desktop users and everyone
Things of general interest to most people using Fedora.
Feature talking point.
Feature summarized talking point.
Feature talking point.
Feature summarized talking point.
For administrators
Improvements that make system administrators' lives better.
Feature talking point.
Feature summarized talking point.
Feature talking point.
Feature summarized talking point.
Perl 5.12
Feature talking point.
Feature summarized talking point.
This is a new init concept which should be introduced with Fedora 14. It allow the deffering the start of the daemons until the deamin is need for accepting an incomming network connection. This is called soecket activation.
For developers
Innovations that make Fedora a great platform for software developers.
Feature talking point.
Feature summarized talking point.
Feature talking point.
GNUstep is a reimplementation of the NextStep environment. It's a GUI framework based of the Objective-C programming language which is part of the gcc.
Futher information may be find at: Http://
Python 2.7
Feature talking point.
Feature summarized talking point.
A few highlighted Fedora Spins coming out with this release.