Personal Info
Name: Guillermo Gómez S.
Location/Timezone: Caracas/Venezuela VET UTC-4:30
Active Member of Fedora for: 4 years
Fedora Interests: Fedora is the key to FOSS for me, all my profesional labor is done with FOSS, i just try to pay back sharing and geting involved.
Hours per week promised: 4
Programming Languages: Bash, Ruby, Rails, some Expect, PHP and Python
Certifications: RHCE
How long using Fedora: 9 years
How long using Linux: 10 years
Do you have a full time job working on or with Linux: yes
Do you have a full time job doing development: yes
Technology Specialties: data center services (dns/dhcp/email/web/xmpp/ldap), fedora packager
Other notable experiences and skills: pbx and voice solutions from 6 years telco experience h.323/sip voip, technical documentation writer and translator, project manager and community builder.
Current Access
What access do you currently have in Fedora? (packager? fedorapeople? etc)
What personal resources do you have that could be of use? (workstation, virtualization environment, cluster, high speed internet, etc)