This TestCase covers FirstAidKit plugin for Openscap library.
Please install everything needed for Openscap testing and all packages from the relevant directory at
How to test
- Start FirstAidKit from the Applications/System Tools or type "firstaidkit -g gtk" to get debug messages
- Select "Security Audit" in the combo box
- Press "Start" button
List of enabled tests should show up, you can change the values (only disable enabled tests for now please as openscap library is not complete and not all tests are working) between 0 and 1 - all other values should result in an error message.
- Try changing something to 2, letter, or so...
- Press "OK"
List of policy variables show up, you can read the detailed descriptions in tooltips when you put your mouse over lines. You can also change the values, most of them should also check for correct format according to their description.
- Try changing some variables to correct and incorrect values, use your imagination
- Press "OK"
The application switches to it's results tab and starts showing results as "Waiting for check" and then the result (color coded too). In some cases when the machine gets under heavy load (openscap file probes..) the GUI won't update, but it will show "INFO: Starting OpenSCAP evaluation" in it's status bar.
- After it finishes, repeat this without restarting application - switch to the first tab, start the audit as described, but try to stop it during it's run, by pressing "Stop" button on the results page. It may take a moment, but it will stop right after the running test finishes.
- Close the application
Expected Results
The following must be true to consider this a successful test run.
- All dialogs are diasplayed as described
- It is not possible to enter incorrect values
- All result lines (for implemented tests) are either green or red and the application disables it's "Stop" button
- It is possible to interrupt the Audit
- No crash or traceback occurs in the debug output