From Fedora Project Wiki
Mustafa Redha's wiki page
some quick facts about me:
- email me at:
- blog at:
- I'm completing my 6th and last semester at Seneca's Computer Systems Technology program
- My main focus right now is perl, bash, php, jquery, javascript
- this is all being done on my LAMPP stack at, where I've enjoyed installing and rm'ing and fdisk'ing and reinstalling the stack until I got blue in the face
- I'm looking forward to finishing my MCP and CCNA certifications before the new year
- I work on a Windows7 and a CentOS machine
- I'd like to learn the ins and/or outs of metasploit
little known facts:
- I successfully completed about 2 years of a Linguistics Spec.Hon. Degree from York University
but alas, computers won my heart - I've taught ESL, writing and composition for about 5 years
- I live in the 'Shwa
- What else...I like sketching, and painting with oil / acrylics, hanging out with my special lady, BBQ'ing in the backyard, and gardening in my backyard farm
I used 'alas' twice in 1 hour today. no more alasing for a week.
That should be good. Cheers, Mustafa.