From Fedora Project Wiki
Tommy He -- 黑日白月 -- Zongyuan He
Male, China Born Chinese, Psychology graduate from Shaanxi Normal University, MSc Computing and Management in University of Leeds.
- Free and Open Source Software advocate:
- Early Linux adopter in mainland China since 2001;
- Individual Member of Linux Foundation;
- Enthusiast to promote not only the software but also the idea behind community;
- Journalist and writer of popular independent Linux-related blog LinuxTOY
- Fedora contributor:
- Loyal Fedora user since FC4;
- Active tester and bug reporter;
- Honoured member of Fedora Chinese user group;
- Current translator of Anaconda installer;
- Experienced English to Simplified Chinese localizer:
- Probably not a developer and system administrator:
- National Certified Network Administrator;
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 System Administration certification;
- Sun Certified Java Programmer
- Python and Android platform fresh developer
- Email
- tommy.he AT
- lovenemesis AT
- lovenemesis in #fedora-zh on
- MicroBlog
- lovenemesis AT
- Languages
- English(British, Australian, Canadian), Simplified Chinese (Mandarins)
- Fedora Account
- lovenemesis
Recent Activity with Fedora
- Preparing for series promotion activities in mainland China.
- Preparing to localize The Open Source Way.