Onyeibo Oku

I lecture at the Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria. I am an Architect by training but with sizeable passion for computers. I learnt to code in BASIC as a teenager and later added some fundamental knowledge in C++, LISP, html, css, and Python.
I work with computers a lot, especially while generating 3D Art, and architectural drawings. I had some experience as a Graphic Artist in a Printing Firm and can use a lot of graphic software too. I find that people respect my opinions about choice of software and hardware. It is common to find me performing System Administration for firms in my neighbourhood.
Three years ago, I started using Linux and have settled for Fedora. I have been talking to Friends who run businesses with lots of PC's to give it a try. It is almost certain that I will part with a Live-CD when I visit a cyber-cafe. People only need to see Fedora in use to decide in its favour ... and I just want to take it where the crowd is.
Contact information
- Fedora Account: twohot
- E-mail: twohotis@fastmail.fm
- Mobile: +234-7038772233
- Languages: English, Igbo, Pidgin-English
- Nationality: Nigerian
- Time Zone: UTC +01:00
Activities within Fedora
- FreeMedia: Sent Six(6nos.) i386 DVDs and One(1nos.) x86_64 DVD so far, on record (and many others, off-record)
- Design-Team: Worked on DIY Media Jacket for the Community 2009. Presently redesigning FreeMedia Mailer
- Ambassadors: Member of Fedora Ambassadors-Africa
Other Information
Two-hot is the word-for-word translation of my name in English. So, its not just a 'guy' name ... its my name.